Western NY TRD Wednesday, March 19, 2025 from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Niagara Falls Convention Center, Niagara Falls, NY
In-person Interview Job Fair
Western NY Teacher Recruitment Day
A premier interview job fair for K-12 careers
Interview candidates from 11 colleges and universities from WNY.
Review candidate resumes prior to the event and set your schedule!
Download resumes for recruiting after the fair.
Interview with recruiters from WNY
and across the country
TRD is the single largest opportunity to network and interview
with local, national, and international schools
Your TRD Committee brings over 145+ years of experience coordinating TRD!
Western NY TRD Committee
Why Western NY TRD?
A trusted, quality interview event with 40+ years of experience connecting teaching candidates and employers
It was a really interesting and rewarding experience. I got to meet and distribute my resume and portfolio to many different states and districts and even received an offer from a local organization!