Phone: 716-685-2550; Toll Free: 877-750-2550
2014 Buffalo Area Teacher Recruitment Days
Rate is one way, per person, and includes all fees and baggage handling:
- 1 Passenger $45.00 per person
- 2 Passengers $25.00 per person
- 3 Passengers or more $18.00 per person
*** Price does not include driver gratuity, which is at passenger discretion***
**Reservations required**
Rates are applicable between Niagara Falls, NY and:
- Buffalo Niagara International Airport
- Amtrak Station-BFX - 75 Exchange Street Buffalo, NY 14203
- Amtrak Station-BUF - 55 Dick Road, Depew, NY 14043
- NFTA Metro - 181 Ellicott Street, Buffalo, NY 14203
Make your reservation by:
Phone: 716-685-2550 or 877-750-2550E-mail: lauren@buffaloairportshuttle.com
Please provide a credit card to hold the reservation, and have your travel information available.
Any questions can be further directed to:
Lauren Roehner
Phone: 716-685-2550; Toll Free: 877-750-2550